About Me

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IMAGINATION IS THE EYE OF THE SOUL Joseph Joubert. I am a mother of four...I still remember the smile that refused to go away for weeks after our daughters birth. To have a little girl appear after three sons seemed such a miracle. I have always enjoyed My Doll World, sharing it with Lara when she was little. Today I design knitted outfits for miniature dolls and enjoy every minute of it. The fact that the outfits are removable is what makes it so special for me. Using ever finer threads has opened so many MINIATURE DESIGN opportunities.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The New Baby

I was going through my photographs and thought these were too cute not to share.

Julie arriving home in "THE BASKET"

Alex taking a closer look!!!  Then he simply walked away...
He knew trouble when he saw it!

This baby sitting lark is a job all on it's own!!

This was "MY" basket after all!

Look how small I was!

Now I am all grown up and can jump onto Moms Work Station when she goes out shopping and eat her miniature flowers that she took a whole morning to make!!!

Julie says "I'm the boss in this house for sure....."

This gave me a whole new meaning to the saying




  1. Son unas fotografías muy entrañables. Yo tengo un gato en casa y también es muy travieso y me fastidia algunos trabajos. Te recomiendo paciencia.

    ¡Un abrazo enorme!

  2. ***Adorable***

    the dogs are cute too!!!

    sorry Sharon just counldn`t resist, please forgive xxx
