About Me

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IMAGINATION IS THE EYE OF THE SOUL Joseph Joubert. I am a mother of four...I still remember the smile that refused to go away for weeks after our daughters birth. To have a little girl appear after three sons seemed such a miracle. I have always enjoyed My Doll World, sharing it with Lara when she was little. Today I design knitted outfits for miniature dolls and enjoy every minute of it. The fact that the outfits are removable is what makes it so special for me. Using ever finer threads has opened so many MINIATURE DESIGN opportunities.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Days of Our Lives

I must have been three or four when I heard the poem

Someone came knocking at my wee small door 
Someone came knocking I'm sure, sure, sure. 
I listened, I opened, I looked from left to right .....

It was this childhood poem that excited and scared me. 
My sister used to recite the poem to me when we were going off to sleep, in a really scary voice..
She was nearly three years older than I was...and that's a lot older when you are only three.

Then I heard the stories of Tom Thumb and Thumberlina, wee small doors were no longer scary at all, I was in another world and what a wonderful wee world it has turned out to be.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I'm knocking at the door as I've missed being able to buy your patterns. Please how do I go about it now?
    Lorraine UK
