About Me

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IMAGINATION IS THE EYE OF THE SOUL Joseph Joubert. I am a mother of four...I still remember the smile that refused to go away for weeks after our daughters birth. To have a little girl appear after three sons seemed such a miracle. I have always enjoyed My Doll World, sharing it with Lara when she was little. Today I design knitted outfits for miniature dolls and enjoy every minute of it. The fact that the outfits are removable is what makes it so special for me. Using ever finer threads has opened so many MINIATURE DESIGN opportunities.
Showing posts with label Miniature Knitting Patterns Belly Button Baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miniature Knitting Patterns Belly Button Baby. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Miniature Knitting in the Studio

I am not very good at doing orders

I am so easily distracted then wiz off on a tangent 
ESPECIALLY if I have an idea that seems a good one.

I am not very disciplined at all when the creative me pops up her head
"They" say if it is not written down it has not happened ....

I say if I have not knitted it, the idea remains only an idea.



I believe this idea was a good one, 
I still need to do a petticoat the will be right for the dress.

I embroidered the dress with YLI silk which I was given as a gift on Saturday, well not quiet a gift I will be making a bedspread for my friend 

I already know exactly how I am going to do it....



PS I used a no 12 sharps needle to do the embroidery, made by PONY in India very inexpensive and work like a dream to sew the garments together as well.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Miniature Knitting Patterns BBBaby

I have had a few request for patterns knitted in Venne 70/2 for BBBaby as not everyone can knit with the Madiera Cotona Thread.

The pattern now has a full length Petticoat and Coat with the usual Diaper and Booties.

The pattern is available in ENGLISH and DUTCH

Without the bows!!!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Miniature Knitting Patterns Belly Button Baby


I have to share with you the embroidery on the Katharina dress.
It is all thanks to my friend Diane Smith in Tasmania
 that I have at last gone a little embroidery happy.

Lazy Daisey stitch is not as easy as it looks,
 one has to "let" the thread lie in the way it wants to or else you get all these long thin petals...NOT GOOD
much prefer the petals to take on a gentle curve.
Also unpicking a flower is harder than you think.

One thing you must do is wash the white garments before you embroider.
The soaps do change the colour of the thread slightly.....
even though I use delicate soap.