
Friday, April 20, 2012

Knit With Me

After a few questions regarding which cast on method I use,
 I decided the quickest way to explain was to search

 You Tube's Videos'....There is was.......

It is called the cable cast on method. 

I would like all the Rose Evan Afghan knitters to use this method if they can

It is simple enough and I like the edge it produces.

I use this method for 99% of my designs!

Thanks for looking


  1. Thanks Sharon, I used that method and has knitted the first 8 rows, since I have so much work to finish for Castine, I reduced the stitches to 71, I will just drape it over a footstool or chair.

    1. Elga with 71 stitches the row is still long enough to get into the tension flow without having to turn your work. I admire you that with all you have going on you have made the time too join the project...Thank you so much.

  2. Phew!!!! I thought I had made a booboo.......I haven`t, I always use this cast on method too!!! Have got to the 4th set of pattern rows but have had to put it away as my husband was looking very peekish, I haven`t fed him since breakfast........bless... hugs Virginia

    1. There are so many methods of cast on who is to say which is the correct one.....remember my personal preference remark.

      Time flies when one is doing something one enjoys....I am happy I have a deep freeze then I don't have to cook.

  3. Never had seen such a cast on method before.... I'm going to try this tomorrow.

    1. Annelies I find it such an easy cast on and neat to boot!

  4. Hi Sharon
    I am progressing very well with the Rose Evans Afghan throw having completed 30 patterns thus far, my question is when I read through the pattern to the end it states "on the last pattern repeat only do rows 1-3. With wrong side facing; start row count at 1 again" would this leave us short of stitches?? as row 3 is the row where we psso to form the "cable" and only in row 4 would we have enough stitches to carry on......or am i missing something????

    1. Virginia my dear, you are so right. We only do row 1 then 7 rows of garter stitch.
      You beat me to it, Friday and Monday are going to be Knit With Me days. I realized I had made a mistake when I finished mine.

      I ended up with 54 pattern repeats when I knitted the Afghan in silk I am on the second one now in the Venne 70/2

      I have been somewhat slack as I have company from Holland at the moment...just having a little fun.

  5. Hi Sharon, I am still waiting for my wool and the needles to get here. Hopefully I am able to get it soon and catch up to you knitters..I have done the cable cast on so that should help!
    Margaret B

  6. I have had fun knitting the Afghan in that one can calmly sit and knit without having to think too much...

    I never take my miniature knitting with me usually only knitting at my desk...yet early this morning 4:30 am we were sitting in front of the iStore at the V & A Shopping center inline for an IPad 3.... and I was knitting the Afghan, the store only opened at 7am so the time was well spent knitting and chatting to the people in was a lot of fun

    There I was sitting knitting the Afghan......

  7. Hallo Sharon
    Ik heb mijn afghan klaar de maat is 17 bij 18 cm.
    Nu nog het kantje haken,en dan moet ik hem spannen??
    Het is heel verslavend werk,je wil maar doorgaan en doorgaan.
    groetjes doortje

    1. Doortje you made me smile, I agree you look at the Afghan thinking it should be well on its way and it does not seem to have grown at is the exercise though to slowly get into the flow of miniature knitting and all one has to do is practice.

  8. Hallo Sharon
    Ik heb de foto op mijn blog staan.
    En er ook maar een bed bij gemaakt,ik weet niet hoe ik een foto
    naar jou moet sturen.Dus doe ik het maar zo.
    groetjes doortje
