
Friday, February 24, 2012

Miniature Knitting in the Studio

Our Miniature Guild here in South Africa are having their Annual Convention and Auction at the end of March.

This is my contribution to the Auction

I chose the light ecru shade of the Madeira Cotona 80 thread this time round, wanting to achieve a more antique feel to the outfit.
The colour will blend better into an older style room.
One would look at thew whole room not just the outfit.

The JADE design has now been tweaked to my satisfaction 40sts less in the dress, the coat a wee bit longer the petticoat an extra panel.

So in fact I have re knitted the whole outfit ...... 
albeit for a very good reason

I would I could let well alone, my nature simply does not allow this. I wonder where this little outfit will end up.

Jade takes her bunny with her wherever she goes



  1. That is so very beautiful. I have just learned to right click on a picture and open it up in a new window... So I have just had the pleasure of a real good close up. It is lovely!!!

  2. Such stunning STUNNING work Sharon.....I cannot imagine how tiny your knitting needles are!!! Every detail is perfection!!!

  3. Geweldig je breiwerk,daar zullen heel wat uurtjes werk inzitten,
    Dat kun je niet even bij de tv doen.
    groetjes doortje

  4. Thanks to you all for the comments, Catherine I copy the pictures put them into a word document and view at 300% sometimes......
    Then these eyes can see. I think I am too used to the magnifying glass and want to see the pores of the skin.

    Linda, I distinctly remember saying I would NEVER go to needles smaller than 1mm ....Oh well a passion creeps up on one.

    Doortje you are so right, I have decided not to count the hours, and I cannot sit in front of the TV ...but I do listen to stories. I have looked through your blog, wow you have been busy over the years.

    At the moment I am listening to Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon. When the story is exciting I knit faster.

    I feel as though I am doing two things at once, I like to see a result for the hours spent doing something, seeing all the little garments lined up 'Pleases my Soul." Seeing my mothers face when I showed her each new creation was such a pleasure. I miss her.

  5. Sharon - your work is just stunning! Mini hugs.....

  6. Hello,
    Your work is so beautiful! I have searched your blog and googled but cannot find a place to purchase your patterns. Are they available?
    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work.

  7. could some one please, please, please, tell me how to order these stunning patterns.

  8. Hi Sharon,
    your knitting is lovely, thank you for sharing.
