
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Photography in the Studio

PHOTOGRAPHS a whole new world

For homework we need to print three 6 x 9 photographs that we have shot this week (all on manual) concentrating on exposure not under or over and take them along to class.

Well a hundred and something pictures later, I need to choose at least one of this series. 
Thank goodness I had had my cataracts removed as now getting pictures in focus is a mission.

This last picture is out of focus!

These shots have not been touched up in Photoshop as yet,
as I don't know how to.
I was trying light from behind no shadows wonderful.
The sun is now so bright I'll have to rig up some sort of curtain behind the soft see through one hanging at the moment.
All a learning curve.

My doll Hilda which is an antique reproduction doll,
is my most favorite of dolls.
It was a smaller version of her that I bought on Pier 59 in LA
which started me down the porcelain doll road. 

She was not a particularly well painted doll,
but could she talk... That was 30 years ago now.

My child size Hilda was painted by my friend Lesley Vermaak.
Lesley is a wonderful artist and sculptor. I love her style of doing things, how she manages to get a new creation look as though it was made years ago is such a skill.



  1. Hilda is a beautiful doll. She has such a pretty face. I LOVE her bonnet and her dress. Everything appears to be antique. Lovely!!!

  2. She's a nice doll! The dress is fantastic and I love the expression on her face.
    Bye Faby

  3. She is a gorgeous doll. Gosh you can even see her little teeth and tongue.
    Hugs Maria

  4. I think my favorite is the third shot.

  5. You are so right Dawn, that is the one I am submitting, the light catches her face just right and I also like it that it is off center.

    One has to get constructive crits from the teacher, I want to see what she has to say.
    She says try to get the effect you want, So all is trial and error right now....Played yesterday with the lace shawl, now all I want to do is redesign my blog.....Oh dear
    Great to have points of view, thanks so much for caring to do so.

    Have a great week

  6. Once again you proven how like minds think and do alike! Hilda baby has always been my favorite antique doll, and your one's a beauty. Seems your class/tutorial is coming along great, but what else could we expect from one who does everything so perfectly well. Sometimes when you're shooting in natural backlight it's important to over expose from 1/2 to 2 extra stops, depending how bright the sun's coming in from the back of your subject, and of course a reflector works wonders too ... usually allows for more detail, while the exposure methods adds a dreamy sort of oveall softness. Know you'll be at the head of your class much sooner than later, so here's an A+ from me! Has anything arrived yet?
