
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gift Pay it Forward

The last few months I have been very quiet,
yet very busy in my miniature knitting world.

The saddest part is my Giveaway did NOT arrive in Holland.The postal services of both countries seem not to care a fig.
One can almost see them shake their heads and say 

"You win some you loose some" excuse the pun.
 Funny how I allowed this situation  to drain me,or maybe it was just an accumulation of being so very busy these last few months.

In a strange way I felt my integrity was in question somehow.....

My sister in law from Holland is arriving next week for a two week holiday...I am looking so forward to seeing her.
I will be sending Klara another doll....and Fenny has offered to be the postman.
Klara's new outfit has arrived in Holland 


  1. Sharon, I am so sorry about your lost parcel, I don't know when you posted it, but I have sometimes waited up to six weeks for parcels from the USA. Now you make me nervous about posting orders, I will probably post them fully insured, that just gets expensive but what else can one do??? Enjoy your SIL visit!!!!!! And your knitting is awesome as usual!!!!!!

  2. OH! Your work is MAGNIFICENT!!!!! Sorry to hear about your shipment not arriving. That has happened to me too and it is such a problem with some oversea countries. Thank you for sharing your work with us. I love seeing it.

  3. Felicidades!!! Tu trabajo es una maravilla!!!!
    Siento lo del envio, estas cosas pasan algunas veces, y menudo disgusto!!! Besos.

  4. Felicidades!!!!!!!!!!tienes unos trabajos preciosos me gusta mucho un beso

  5. Thanks to all of you, ya it was sad that tyhe little doll did not arrive....after having written about it I felt better...

  6. Sharon, I am so happy to see you post again! I was wondering if you were o.k. after your big move. I LOVE the knitting that you have completed and the flowers are so perfect! Your Japanese customer will be so happy with what you have made! Your work is so stunning! Have a great time with your SIL.

  7. Sharon, it's all so gorgeous! Your Japan order is just precious and I'm sure the recipient will be over the moon with it! =) I'm so glad to see you back. I LOVE what you do!!! =)

  8. Your work is so beautiful. Your customer will adore it. Sorry to hear about your lost package. Greetings Maria

  9. Stunning work Sharon. So sorry to hear about the lost mail....I always wonder where and how these items do or don't turn up. Those fimo flowers are have such clever hands!!!!

  10. Lamento el problema con el envio, a mi tambien me ha pasado,......poca profesionalidad,parece que la culpa es nuestra, verdad???
    Tu trabajo excelente,maravilloso, me encanta.....las flores diminutas y perfectas.
    Un gran beso

  11. Deine Arbeit ist so toll Sharon. Und die Fimo-Knöpfe sind einzigartig. Dass das Päckchen verloren gegangen ist, tut mir sehr leid für dich. Liebe Grüße von Craftland
