
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Miniature Knitting Patterns 3" Sean

I thought you would like to see Sean wearing the Sage outfit.

Dianne Yunnie has made Sean with a straight arm in the past,  
so the little coat would fit him.

SAGE  for 3" Sean

Friday, August 19, 2011

Miniature Polymer Clay and Paper Flowers

It is ages since I made Polymer Clay flowers so I had to practice.

A friend and I spent 4 hours each, making flowers...funny how one starts off rather large then slowly managing to get smaller and smaller.

Miniature flowers made in Polymer Clay

When one looks at what was actually achieved for a days work it certainly does not look like very much.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Miniature Knitting in the Studio

A lady from Japan asked if I would knit her an outfit...

For the first time ever I took an order, I have no idea why I said yes, as usually I sell what I have already knitted.....less pressure.
As I had changed the Sean pattern for my "Fellow" I thought why not, I could sit and knit listening to my Audio Books and perfect the pattern at the same time.

 A friend had sent me this Claude Monet card, it was on my desk when I was preparing to take a photograph, I picked up the card and placed the outfit omto it....
I love it as a background for the outfit, the pink water lilies are quiet beautiful, and enhances my knitting.

The outfit is on its way to Japan so I just hope it arrives safely.

I lost count of the hours I spent on the knitting ....getting up early and finding I was still knitting at 11 o'clock at night....I was listening to the audio book of
"A Game of Thrones"...I really enjoy fantasy stories, made me feel I was doing two things at once...perfect.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gift Pay it Forward

The last few months I have been very quiet,
yet very busy in my miniature knitting world.

The saddest part is my Giveaway did NOT arrive in Holland.The postal services of both countries seem not to care a fig.
One can almost see them shake their heads and say 

"You win some you loose some" excuse the pun.
 Funny how I allowed this situation  to drain me,or maybe it was just an accumulation of being so very busy these last few months.

In a strange way I felt my integrity was in question somehow.....

My sister in law from Holland is arriving next week for a two week holiday...I am looking so forward to seeing her.
I will be sending Klara another doll....and Fenny has offered to be the postman.
Klara's new outfit has arrived in Holland 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Miniature Knitting Patterns Belly Button Baby

I have also made a new design for Belly Button Baby knitted in the Madeira Catona 80 thread, when the pattern is knitted in Venne 70/2 the outfit fits Baby Randy

SAGE for Belly Button Baby

Miniature knitted outfit
The flowers really give the outfit the finishing touch, I knitted the shawl on 1mm knitting needles it made the resultant fabric so delicate.