
Monday, May 9, 2011

GIFT Pay it Forward


5 is my lucky number and my Followers now number 55

I felt I need to give somebody a gift

I have so many things to celebrate, and be thankful for

Being able to move to Cape Town
Finding a place for me on my birthday holiday
Actually getting my Fellow first time round
Enjoying what I do for a hobby and a mother who inspired me through out my life
Nearly finished packing, having friends and a son to help me unpack

The draw will be on the 2011 JUNE 02 and it will be for

Leave a comment and I will add you to the draw!
Thanks for all the wonderful things
you have all had to say about my work
Makes me feel rather humble that I have been given this talent
and have been guided to using it in this exciting way

I am going to start teaching miniature knitting
when I am settled in Cape Town
A few ladies have offered to be my "Guinea Pigs"
This is a learning curve for me, as I would love to teach in
Guild School in Castine, USA

I would like to have the perfect prospectus for that!

I will be finding out from the ladies "What I  know!"
and what I need to teach them
So many things we take for granted I am truly grateful


  1. Sharon, Congratulations on your 55 followers! I am sure you will be having many more join your blog! It is such a pleasure coming here and seeing all of your gorgeous work and how you display it! How exciting for you that you plan to teach at Castine in the future!!
    Please enter me in your draw!!

    p.s. I wrote to Ana and she sent me Mandy's addy. I am sure you are too busy right now to do much other than get ready for your move!!! A great adventure ahead for you!!!

  2. Felicidades por los 56! seguidores y mayo es el mes 5, así que mas felicitaciones.
    Espero que tengas éxito en tus proyectos y puedas enseñar a otras a hacer esas pequeñas maravillas.
    Un abrazo

  3. Sharon, Congratulations on your 57 followers!
    Your works are excellent!!

  4. Olvidé decirte que pongo el enlace en el side bar de mi blog
    Otro abrazo

  5. Dear Sharon,

    Great, you have 57 followers now. Nice photo of Leigh in your hand! I feel proud to call such a talented lady my friend.
    Hugs Annelies

  6. Hi Sharon,
    You are so correct, you have been given a wonderful talent and it is fabulous to see that it is not wasted!
    I cannot praise your work highly enough.
    I wish you well with your move and your classes, I know they will be a hit...well done!!!

  7. Congratulations Sharon, 57 followers is just the start, there will be many more to come. Best of luck with teaching miniknitting, I found it very rewarding. Not long now till the move and big changes in your life.

  8. Congratulations Sharon on achieving so much with your god-given talents.

  9. me gustaria participar en tu sorteo ya tienes una seguidora mas

  10. Sharon,

    Congrats on all that you have accomplished. You are very deserving.
    You mention you have some patterns available. Would you post your email so that we can contact you to order?

    Thanks, Terri

  11. Hi Sharon!
    Congratulations on everything! I'm sure your classes will be a total success. What you do is amazing and your talent is incredible! You already know I'm a big fan! =)

  12. Goede morgen Sharon, gefeliciteerd, met de mooie gave die U ons laat mee genieten. Hartelijke groeten uit Holland, Els van Zijl

  13. I only just discovered your blog and wow do you make gorgeous things! Amazing! No wonder people want to follow you, I do :)

  14. I love, love, love your beautiful generous you are!!! I tell everyone to have a look at your wonderful work and precious little dollies!
    Margaret B

  15. Congratulations!!! Thanks for your generosity in this giveaway! Your works are excellent.
    Could you please count with me!
    Thanks and kind reards,

  16. Sharon es un regalo hermoso, me gustaría participar en el sorteo, muchas gracias.

  17. Congratulations on all your accomplishments. Good luck in teaching. here's hoping you will be selling your patterns again soon!

  18. Congratulation to your followers

  19. Congradulations! Wonderful giveaway!

  20. Hello Sharon,
    Congratulations on all your latest achievements. I'm so happy to have found you again. Love all the new eye-candy, especially the bellybutton baby outfit. Will you be selling the pattern?

  21. me hago tu seguidora y lo subo a mi blog, cuenta conmigo para el sortero, por favor

  22. congratulations Sharon I'll hope that you will be very lucky in your new house and that you will make a lot of new patterns.

    also an Els from Holland ( friend os Annelies)

    and the give away is very beautifull

  23. I am sorry to be so far because I really enjoyed being part of your students! Your creations are fabulous and are a great inspiration to all smalls knitters modest!
    Thank you for your work!

  24. Sharon-

    Congrats. I think that you are blessed to be able to make such wonderful items. I wish you many more inspiration and years of creating beauty.

  25. Sharon,
    Beautiful Do you sell your patterns? I would love to buy some of them.

  26. Just found Your blog and now I'm Your follower too.
    Congratulations on having soon 70 followers and in no time at all You'll be at 100 ^^
    Thanks for your generosity in this giveaway! Your works are excellent and very beautiful.

    I'd LOVE to take part in Your giveaway, so please count me in :)

  27. What wonderful work,the baby is so sweet.Did you make that too.
    What a breath taking edition

  28. Your lovely blog is the first South African one I'll be following. I love your giveaway. Please count me in.

  29. Hi Sharon, Congratulations for your more than 70 followers, I´m gorgeus to be one of them. Your make a lovely work and I would like to take part in your giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.

  30. Your works are fantastic! Please, count me in your giveaway. I put the link on my blog.
    Bye Faby

  31. Well done, hope the move goes well
    Best wishes for CT

  32. Your work is just beautiful. You are so talented. Would love your patterns please tell me how I can order them.

  33. Nr. 76 is here. You are so talented in needlework. I envy you. Thank you for the giveaway. Please count me in.

  34. ¡¡como he disfrutado viendo tus trabajos una delicia para los ojos por favor apuntame a tu sorteo (yo tambien tengo sorteo en mi blog besossss

  35. goede morgen Sharon, ik ben weer even langs de mooie werkjes geweest. Het duurt nu niet zo lang meer, dat ik het ziekenhuis in ga, dus nog maar genieten. Een fijne dag en lieve groeten Els van Zijl

  36. Hi i have just found your blog. You have a wonderful talent. Congratulations on now 79 followers . :) please count me in for your beautiful giveaway .

  37. Hi!
    Congrats on your followers.
    Love your work.
    Have a nice weekend

  38. Hola, felicidades por tus seguidores, me encanta tu trabajo, me gustaria participar. un abrazo........Ana

  39. congratulations Sharon
    I love your work and I'm happy for you everything is going great at the moment


  40. Congrats Sharon! Your work is magnificent...

  41. Congratulations Sharon!!!!!!! I am so happy for you that so many good things have been happening in your life lately. Enjoy the Cape and may all your plans for the future come to fruition!!!!!

  42. Concratulations Sharon, what a wonderful knittings you is so good to talk about the good things in live, it makes you very gratefull. please count me in

  43. You work is sooooo beautiful, thank you for sharing. I have done lace knitting but never at that scale! You are an inspiration I wish I was close enough to be one of your guinea pigs. :-)

    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

  44. It´s so lovely your give-away
    and count me in please

  45. Wow!!! Now where can I get hold of your patterns??? They are WONDERFUL!!

  46. Sharon muchas gracias por tus palabras.
    Me encantaria tener la oportuniodad de conseguir tu precioso regalo.
    Dime si quieres que suba el aviso a mi blog.
    besitos ascension

  47. Hola Sharon,te sigo desde el principio de tu blog,
    llege a el por el enlace que puso Linda Carswell,
    tus trabajos son espectaculares,me gustaría participar en tu sorteo,ahora te subo a mi blog.

  48. No soy el número 55 que es tu preferido, pero lógicamente tenias que conseguir muchos más seguidores porque tus trabajos lo merecen.
    Es un premio el haber conocido tu blog y poder disfrutarlo y si los ángeles me acompañan y tú me lo permites quisiera participar en tu sorteo para tener la oportunidad poder disfrutar de ese regalo, en mis escenas.
    Un fuerte abrazo

  49. ¡Qué maravilloso regalo! soy feliz de poder participar. Lo pongo en mi blog. Gracias Sharon por esta oportunidad.

  50. Congratulations!!!
    Your works are wonderful.
    I would like to take part although I cannot do me follower of your blog.
    I have problems with blogger.

  51. ¡¡que maravilla!! Me gustaria participar en tu sorteo, gracias por ser tan generosa en tu regalo.
    Yo quiero adoptar ese bebe tan lindo.

  52. Sharon, thanks for the chance to get this angel! He's amazing!
    Congratulations already with 95 followers! Link to a giveaway on my blog


  53. Hi!!!
    Congratulations, almost 100 followers!!
    Your work is fantastic!!
    I would love to participate!!
    Thank you so much!!

  54. I have just discovered your blog and your work. I am enjoying my visit through your archives. Your designs and execution are stunning! I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite, but Pearl for Riley might just be it. You have packed so much into this one tiny dress. I would love to win your sweet little doll, but I am just happy to be able to view your work.

  55. Hola Sharon, me ha gustado mucho tu blog, tienes trabajos preciosos, me gustaria participar en tu sorteo, gracias, ahora lo pongo en mi blog, besos.

  56. Hi Sharon, I was just admiring your gorgeous work! If the opportunity to teach in Maine comes through, let me know. I have a friend who teaches there every year! Thanks so much for sharing your work!

  57. Love your little doll and her tiny knitted clothes! I am so happy to have found your blog. I've posted your giveaway on the right sidebar of my blog. Thank you for having such a lovely giveaway! :-)

  58. hello Sharon!! Congratulations on your 103 followers! I am one of them!! your work is very very beautiful!!!
    Please count me in your giveaway. I put it on my blog.
    Thanks and kisses

  59. Oh..MY! Your work is incredible. I have just gotten back into knitting, having also learned from my mother when I was quite young.
    I have worked myself up to (or down to) size 00 but you have certainly set the bar much higher.


  60. well you may for started this post with 55 followers ....but you sure doubled it by the end. Congrats. Love seeing how you move in; if it were me, I be surrounded by boxes.And it looks like you're in a beautiful area. Your needlework is absolutely gorgeous.
    hugs from a new follower

  61. Good luck with your move! You do beautiful work.


  62. Sharon, Congratulations on your 112 followers!
    Your works are excellent!!

  63. Sharon, wish you were living in Melbourne Australia so I could come to your knitting classes!
