
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Miniature Knitting Tips

I have been designing miniature garments for the last 10 years, a question that often crops up is how to change the size of a pattern so that it will fit a smaller doll.


   Enlarging and Reducing Miniature Knitting Patterns

I know many of us have reduced patterns by changing the thread and or needles we use.

The easiest way for a beginner to reduce a pattern and keeping the proportion of the original design is changing "both thread and needles" and not the stitch count...

If the smallest needles and finest thread is already used in the pattern the only way is to reduce the size of the pattern is to reduce the number of stitches.

Though experience and also looking at my designs knitted by other people who have not used the recommended thread and or needles for the design....I find often the garment begins to take on a shape all of its own...

When using the same thread as recommended and working the pattern exactly only changing going to a smaller size needle.....this is what happens.

The garment is shorter but the width stays the same, out of proportion.
A lace pattern in the garment (is made up holes which form the lace pattern) these holes become almost invisible (exaggeration on my part) and the lace produced is not very pretty.
The fabric produced tends to be stiff as well.

When using the same needles as recommended but thicker thread (say Venne
34/2 instead of Venne 70/2 Colcotton)
The garment becomes wider and a fraction longer...and the fabric produced is also stiff in comparison to the finer thread.

When you have to reduce a pattern, using the original thread and needles it is essential that the number of stitches are changed.
Take into account commercial patterns for humans....

If you are a beginner may I recommend the following?

If you have a pattern for a 3 inch doll knit the pattern as per instructions using the needles and thread as  recommended....before sewing the dress together fit it onto your 2 inch doll take it in where necessary,(pinning the darts or tucks formed) count the stitches on those sections and reduce the number of stitches accordingly.

You will find that is works out to a certain percentage over the whole garment......then working on percentages change the pattern. It is all a
matter of maths.  

When designing I always start on the larger size doll I am working with.

                                      The large doll was 41mm tall
                                      The medium doll was 35mm tall
                                      The smallest doll was 32mm tall

The little bodies were totally different, (even though the height only differed by 3mm)....and necessitated changing number of stitches for each doll.... as I was already using the finest thread and needles I was prepared to use. 

(If I go any smaller I think my eyes would say goodnight nurse.)

Happy knitting
Sharon Chrystal

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharon! I am so excited to see you have a blog! I love ,love and may I say LOVE your work, oh my goodness it is exquisite!!!! Are you going to be selling any of it? I am only a very beginner knitter and I have a few dolls I made that are still naked.....they need your help...
    Welcome to blogging, I do think you will love it!
    Margaret B
