
Thursday, November 29, 2012


Two weeks ago I ordered my "Christmas Present" to myself.

  The hardest part will be NOT TO OPEN THE PARCEL
until Christmas Day.

The question now is is will it arrive in time!

I can't wait to dress this little boy, he will have to be an 
"Old Fashioned Baby Boy" disguised as a girl! 
This little chap is 4 inches long so not a doll house doll.

A Camille Allen Baby has long been on my "Wish List"

I can just see him lying on one of my lacy shawls!
His little arms are not attached to the body so I will be able to dress him....
Leaving the dresses open down the back should do the trick.

All in all it will be a fun project to do over the holidays.

 Enjoy and thanks for your visit!
Sharon Chrystal

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Miniature Knitting in the Studio

My daughter arrives from London on Saturday....I am so excited I can't settle to anything.

So I decided to go back to my roots and play with fabric needle and thread......

A lot needs to change for these tiny fabric garments.

The skirts a little fuller ....lace gently gathered, bonnets really fussy for these.

Little dresses for Belly Button Baby

I like the garments to be removable...and no glue except "Mod Podge" for sealing the fabric edges.

Need to make coast hangers for them this evening.

One has to start somewhere!


Monday, November 26, 2012

Whats Up in The Studio

 Ana came over on Saturday and we Baked Cakes.
 Now I understand what all the fuss is about ...instant gratification.

I felt like a kid again, deciding what colours to use 
and how to shade this or that 
Lets try these sprinkles...Oh Lordy Lordy Miss Claudy, what fun we did have!!!

We used a mold by True2Scale
and Hey Presto instant cakes....excuse the pun.

By the end of the afternoon we were a lot wiser than when we started out.

For me to be in my comfort zone I knit!

For the Nursery i had to start somewhere.
So I made a dress in the thread I had found in my stash.

I could then begin the knitting the frills for the cot in the Nursery.

I started off making the frill for the sheet. 
Turns out it is one pattern repeat too long for "My Eye"

I then made the frill for a pillow ....... have not finished the embroidery yet!

I now have to work out how to knit the frill.

Exactly how long should it be.
How many sections should the frill be knitted in.
Can't have too many stitches on the needles 
my customers will think I am crazy.

Where do I decreased on the arch shape of the canopy 
so the lace does not stick out funny.

So I draped the knitted frills using press stick to keep them in place
I have come to the conclusion it won't be as easy as I thought, the mathematical brain will have to work overtime.

When draping the pillow frill I saw that the corner sections of the pillow which had extra gathers sat far better over the arch. 
So there will have to be extra decreasing in this area, well we will see.

Pillow Frill over arch far too many gathers in total but I now have a starting point.

This frill is too long

I feel like Goldilocks, when will it be just right!


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Miniature Knitting Patterns Belly Button Baby

LUCY is now available in both DUTCH and ENGLISH
Price 7.50 Euro's

 Embroidering the flowers along the top of the frill on the bib has given it such a different look!



I always wash the garment before I start the crochet edge and embroidery.
 I find the colours do fade with washing!!!

Enjoy and thanks for looking

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Rooms in a Doll House


8 years ago I received a gift from my husband for our 30th wedding anniversery.

The parcel slip arrived much excitement
Then on closer inspection of the document there was an item for the amount of


This was a fine!
In South Africa we have to pay 14% VAT on imports. What had happened was Motts Miniatures had put a value on the outside of the parcel which was half of the value of the invoice inside the box.
Customs opened the box!!!
I understand that Motts had written on the outside of the parcel the ammount for insurance purposes. This they caluclated at their cost price, and not the retail price.....
After all said and done try explaining that to the South African Customs and Excise.

The fine put a dampener on everything ....

I have now decided to
and make the nursery into the wonderful project it was ment to be.

These are the items I have so far, there is also a towel rack, but it has fallen apart,
 as in come unglued.

A little how I am feeling at the moment!
Far too many things in the creative side of the brain.

My Thoughts

I dont want this nursery to be a play room with a gazillion toys around.
It must be an elegant and restful room for both mother and child. A place to feed the baby without baby getting distracted by everthing around......The playroom can be through an inter leading door.
This can come later.

If I was giving a brief to a customer,
what would I have to include in this breif so they get the idea of the end result.
If you don't write it down it does not happen, one can so easily forget.

ELEGANTLY SHABBY CHIC leaning more to the CHIC side.....

There will be no adults in the room or garden only the sugetion that they are somewhere around.
The cot linen will look as though they baby just just been taken out of the cot.

Bay window with french doors leading out into a garden.
Garden must have a chair with a scatter cushion and table with a tea cup and book. An English country garden flowers.

As this room box is not part of a rectangular dolls house I can have any shape I like, I don't want to see only the side of a piece of furniture. Many antique rooms I have  seen on Theraults Auction Catalougue many of the room boxes have the windows at an angle, good thinking, I like this style.

Brooke Tucker's suggestion of a room leading off somewhere in her style of design opens our imagination....makes us wonder.

I would like cream carpets with the blue toned throw rug  on top.
Cream walls, not sure about wall paper at this stage, would need to find the perfect fit. I favor monotones. So the search is on.
Also that the wall paper is the best of quality so it does not fade in our African sun.  I like a dado rail.

I would like to dress the crib and cot without it being over the top......elegant shabby chic

Rather than use lace on the crib I plan to knit the lace. Having found in my stash 80/2 Egyptian Gassed Cotton in the perfect shade, was serendipity playing with the room.

I would like lace curtains as well as the main curtains. The main curtains need to elegant rather than child like.
I feel cream silk with a delicate design of flowers hanging down as though they were hanging from a pergola would be perfect. I have similar curtains in my main bedroom and have loved them for over 30 years.

A portrait of mother and child, I had the perfect picture on my wish list on Etsy, but after my computer rehash it has disappeared. I cannot remember the name of the shop either.....will have to do a search.

There have to be toys, but understated, once again in delicate shades, not primary colours, those can be for the playroom.

I still need an oval table with a cloth to the floor.
Indoor plants ferns
A table lamp 
A baby night light
Gowns in the wardrobe
A robe hanging ready for the baby to wear.
Toys for in the crib and one or two on the floor
I have a dolls, house dolls house which needs to be put I know what colours to choose.

As I have not made a room box before I'll need to find out the following.

I want the walls to be collapsible as in a flat pack, so they will have to slot into each other with grooves in the wood.
Ideally  the bottom section should have a drawer in which to house the furniture pieces.
My reason being,  if I choose to take this nursery to a show it will be easily transported and everything would be safe and sound.
How can one do this?
What wood should I use?
Who to ask?
I read on a blog of someone who prints fabric and wallpaper for dolls houses top quality too!

Any help from "My Followers" would be much appreciated 
Links to sites for what I need.
Who do you suggest I ask?

And thanks


Monday, November 19, 2012

Miniature Knitting in the Studio

Needed to complete bits and pieces then when I saw all the bibs together......
I just had to take a photograph.



Saturday, November 17, 2012

Miniature Knitting in the Studio

I have completed my order for the USA and am so happy with how it has turned out.

ERIKA  for BBBaby with pink trim

I'll be posting on Monday, then the big wait begins. 
My EBay parcel took 4 weeks very nerve racking indeed.
Looking at the photograph I realize I have not done the bib....
Way too much on the mind

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Miniature Knitting in the Studio

I am not very good at doing orders

I am so easily distracted then wiz off on a tangent 
ESPECIALLY if I have an idea that seems a good one.

I am not very disciplined at all when the creative me pops up her head
"They" say if it is not written down it has not happened ....

I say if I have not knitted it, the idea remains only an idea.



I believe this idea was a good one, 
I still need to do a petticoat the will be right for the dress.

I embroidered the dress with YLI silk which I was given as a gift on Saturday, well not quiet a gift I will be making a bedspread for my friend 

I already know exactly how I am going to do it....



PS I used a no 12 sharps needle to do the embroidery, made by PONY in India very inexpensive and work like a dream to sew the garments together as well.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Miniature Knitting Patterns BBBaby

I have had a few request for patterns knitted in Venne 70/2 for BBBaby as not everyone can knit with the Madiera Cotona Thread.

The pattern now has a full length Petticoat and Coat with the usual Diaper and Booties.

The pattern is available in ENGLISH and DUTCH

Without the bows!!!